This week we covered a lot of new topics. On Monday we got to take apart Macbooks. It was actually harder than I thought because even though they're much more organized than PCs there's a lot of screws and you have to remember which screws go where. We also learned about open source software which was really interesting. I didn't know that there were operating systems like Ubuntu that you could download and run for free. We downloaded Ubuntu onto six laptops and even though it took longer than expected it felt really good to be able to accomplish the task. The Ubuntu OS is actually really smooth and in some ways I feel like is better than Windows because it's so much simpler. The guest speakers from Google were really interesting. One of the speakers, Luis, talked about how he loved math and kept pursuing it throughout college and I can really relate to that because I also really love math and am really excited about taking math courses in college. Overall, this week was very eventful and I can't wait for next week!
In this free 12-week (Mon - Fri 240 hour) training program, participants learn IT essentials of hardware, software, networking and coding, plus how to provide tech support to low-income families. Graduates of the program receive a $500 stipend, job-readiness training, professional skills, ongoing placement, retention services, college prep and knowledge of how to enroll in post-secondary education. For more info reach out to Leo Sosa @
Mission Techies Spring 2016 Class

Spring 2016 @ Doubledutch
Friday, July 31, 2015
Week 4 as a Mission Techies
Week 4 as a mission techies was fun and great experience as usual. On Monday we did hardware on macbook pros dissembling and reassembling from 1pm to 3pm then we did coding. On Tue we did networking, cabling dealing with switch boxes and hubs in the tech shop. We had to connect all computers to a main line. On wed we got help from the "Full Circle fund staff" they gave us tips on how to improve are powerpoint. then after we did fin. cap w/ mark, then we went onto coding. On thur we installed Ubuntu to desktops and portable computers to get an understanding on how open source programs works. then we went onto coding. On Friday we did business communication with cesia then guest speakers came to talk to use about how they ended up where they're are today. then for the rest of the day we did tech support to catch up on any late or delayed projects.
Week 4 If Else...
This week has been very interesting to say the least. We've had to adapt to schedule changes and make the best of the situation. The one thing that doesn't fail to be on our schedule is coding. Initially coding was coming naturally to me, but within this last week its gotten more complicated which requires a lot more focus.
Its starting to feel like a whole new topic. Like that one time in biology where we were talking about plants then all of a sudden its energy cycles and you begin to confuse them.
Hopefully I start getting the hand of it again.
public class J
Its starting to feel like a whole new topic. Like that one time in biology where we were talking about plants then all of a sudden its energy cycles and you begin to confuse them.
Hopefully I start getting the hand of it again.
public class J
4th week
This week has probably been the most chill week ever. Everything went smooth and i had a lot of fun. Resetting the laptops have been really smooth. At first my team were having problems but we managed to fix it by inserting a disc so we could install Ubuntu. Today Luis and Chris from Google came over and they were really cool. I can really relate to luis because i suck at everything except math :( We have two more weeks left at meda and so far i still really like this program. I have made great friends and have learned useful things.
Week 4, The Encryptian logs

Week 4
This week we have learned to be adaptable with schedules. On Monday our visit to Year Up was cancelled due to an unfortunate event but we have reschedule for next Monday. So we ended up assembling and dissembling Mac Book pros. It was really fun. I noticed that the Mac Book interiors are are a bit different from PC interiors. For one, Mac has lots and lots on tiny screws. Today was also our last class with Cesia. It sucks that she won't be able to view our presentations that we are preparing for her class. She also invited two guest speakers today from Google. It was lovely meeting them because they provided us with a lot of insight and real life advice. Also they were super friendly!
We have two more weeks to go and I feel like its going to go by really fast. I am excited!
Alright Techies.....4 weeks down 2 to are almost there......I can see you guys graduating on Friday August 14th, 2015. We have learned so much that I feel that my CPU is getting fried (Jorge's joke)....
Keep it up and looking forward to continue to work with you for the next 40 hours!
Tera Byte Sensei!
Keep it up and looking forward to continue to work with you for the next 40 hours!
Tera Byte Sensei!
Week 4 at mission Techies
Week 4 at Mission Techies Summer 2015 gave me so much more experience and knowledge. On monday, I was assigned a MacPro laptop for hardware class, which I had to open it and put it all back together. I had to identify the components too. In Coding class, I learn something new every day. Sometimes its challenging, but I eventually understand it. Also, during this week, my group in PACT Lab 1 for Networking projects, we had visitors who have experience in project managing. They helped us by giving us tips to improve our presentation. We were suppose to go to Year up this week, but last minute news came saying that we couldn’t go. However, I am looking for to the next week.
Sunday, July 26, 2015
Third Week as a Mission Techie
This third week was pretty busy (and fun too). Monday we jumped right into Laptop hardware, assembly, and dis assembly. I didn't even care to check what time it was I was so into it. On Tuesday, we learned the basics of computer networks: what a server is, a client, LANs, WANs, and MANs, how things connect, what they do, all that. Then we did some more job readiness excersies and presentations with Olivia, highlighting an example of our problem-solving at a previous or current job. On Wednesday, we presented our findings with faults within the local network and its wiring. On Thursday we worked on our LinkedIn profiles then did tech support until 4. The week up to then was great for coding: we finally got to building programs with logic structures, message dialogs, and input scanners, which was all pretty fun. Lastly, Friday we did some improv theatre based on some skits and aside from being a riot noise-wise was pretty funny too. We then finished up with a very engaging presentation from the CEO of JonesIT, Evan Jones. We got our paychecks too, so that was a plus obviously. Great weeks so far, and I don't see anything but better things moving forward.
p.s. check got me like:

p.s. check got me like:

Friday, July 24, 2015
Awesome 3rd Week

- Encryptian
Week 3.
During this week the program is beginning to pick up pace and we covered A LOT.
We began the week with hardware (on PC laptops) and let me just say that was one tedious task. Not only was everything so much smaller but I had to go through three laptops until I was able fully dissemble and assemble one. And Leo's deadlines are no joke!
(I was seriously working faster than Speedy Gonzales. Thanks for those who helped.)
We also had a chance to do tech work as well and Jorge and I were able to finish. Sadly, the client's computer had no hope since the problem was in the mother drive and the cost of that was the same as getting a new laptop.
As for coding its beginning to get more difficult but I'm still getting the hand of it. Hopefully I continue to understand it because this is beginning to be like learning a new language.
public class J
We began the week with hardware (on PC laptops) and let me just say that was one tedious task. Not only was everything so much smaller but I had to go through three laptops until I was able fully dissemble and assemble one. And Leo's deadlines are no joke!
(I was seriously working faster than Speedy Gonzales. Thanks for those who helped.)
We also had a chance to do tech work as well and Jorge and I were able to finish. Sadly, the client's computer had no hope since the problem was in the mother drive and the cost of that was the same as getting a new laptop.
As for coding its beginning to get more difficult but I'm still getting the hand of it. Hopefully I continue to understand it because this is beginning to be like learning a new language.
public class J
Week Three Lupe Ramirez
The mission techies program only gets better as time goes on. Because of all the experience and knowledge we have gained because of all of the lectures we have gone through and activities we have done, this week we got to do a lot more hands on activities like fixing tech shop computers and taking laptops fully apart. For me the taking apart lap tops was a lot harder then I expected it to be, it was very tedious and time consuming not to mention the techies in the program previous lost about 50% of all the screws... smh... If I was going to do it again I would have paid attention to the order of things I took things out and taken a lot of pictures to document the process.
Week 3 at Mission Techies 2015
Week 3
On week three, on Monday, I had to open laptops for Hardware class. I enjoyed opening all the components and knowing where they were located. I also had to put it all back, which was a little bit challenging because I had to memorize the order of how I opened the laptop. Throughout this week, I was put in a group to present to the whole mission techies about Networking. My group were assign Lab 1, where we had to basically scan or look for anything such as, cables, drop boxes, identifying whether is a LAN, MAN, or WAN. We also started creating our own professional LinkedIn. I learn every time when I have Tech Support, because I get to create solutions to fix the issue of my assigned device. I am looking forward to next week and learning more.
Week 3 as a Mission Techies
Week 3
Starting off week 3 as a mission techies is fun as usual. On Monday we worked with hardware components. We dissembled and reassembled a laptop back together from 1pm-3pm. After we did some coding with mark. On Tuesday we had a intro to networking with alex. After that we did job readiness training with olivia. On Wednesday we did are networking presentation. On Thursday we worked on are Link-in profile and more tech support. Lastly on Friday we did business communion which was fun because we did improv acting. And then Jones IT came to talk to us about wireless connections that they do.
weeks 3
Ending the third week as a Mission Techie it is getting more intense i feel like ! As i enjoyed putting and taking apart a laptop i feel that the coding classes are getting more intense ! Learning more about networking felt real good especially refreshing my mind on things i knew already. Having Jones IT visit us was great too because i learned several things that i had no idea about. Continuing on working on tech support was well worth it because the problem is getting resolved.
As next week is coming along im super excited on working on a mac laptop ! i enjoy putting and taking apart laptops !
Week 3
This week we learned a lot, but especially about networking and hardware. We just listened to a presentation by the CEO of Jones IT who taught us a lot about how WiFi works. He used the analogy of wireless connections and the lanes of a highway and I actually understood it because the concepts were simplified. He showed us how to analyze the parts of a WiFi connection and the different aspects of WiFi like how you can "change lanes" if one lane gets too congested. On Monday, we also took apart a computer for the first time. It as a lot more different than taking apart a PC because the parts were a lot more condensed. It amazes me how much a laptop can do but yet it's so small. Coding class has been pretty interesting so far. We learned how to use dialog boxes and let the person input answers into it which is really cool. We also starting using booleans which I think is really useful for possibly making games in the future. We also made a LinkedIn which was really helpful and I think that will be very beneficial later when I'm finding a job.
mission techies 3
This is my third week, thanks to mission techies i have fallen in love with learning again. Even with how busy i am three days a week with the A+ certification classes its all thanks to mission techies, i had such a fun time learning about networking this week because at some point in my tech career i want to work on servers or large scale projects that involve lots of networking. Coding was great like it always is, i feel like i am learning a lot from each class making me lose my fear of math more and more because of how simple it is. Going to my afternoon classes to acquire more knowledge about computers after mission techies is wonderful because i take what Leo teaches us about hardware and apply it to the class. Today we met the JonesIT CEO and that really left a mark on me reassuring that you can start a company with very little capital

Week 3
This week I learned that i sorta wanna work on wireless wifi. The CEO of Jones IT came to talk to the Mission Techies about wireless wifi and it was great. Hes a great teacher and i really liked his whole "cars on the freeway" analogy. I also learned about a really good tool which is LinkedIn. Its like Facebook but for professionals. The improv class was a lot of fun also. The Car Date was really hilarious. Overall its been a fun week. As we go with this program i have learned so much in a short amount of time. I cant wait to find out what this next three weeks have in store for us. Plus today is $$$$ day so yay.
Week 3
Week three has flow by so fast. On Monday we started with taking apart laptops. It was really cool, but it was a bit harder then taking apart the desktops. Today the CEO of Jones IT, Even Jones, came in to talk about wireless technology. He is super friendly and his freeway analogy made a lot of sense. Coding class is also getting a bit more intense now, but in a good way. We are coding inputs and outputs which is really exciting. We also worked on our LinkedIn profiles, I really needed to update my because I just started using it officially. We also worked on our presentation for networks in lab 2. We have to improve our draft so that we can present it to Jones IT.
Saturday, July 18, 2015
My second week as a Mission Techie
My second week as techie was a great success. I enjoyed Monday afternoon because we had the chance to get our hands a dirty with taking apart hardware of a dell tower we identifying items and components to get an understating of there functionalities. We have also been getting more in depth into our coding, which has been my favorite class of the day. The class is going at a pretty fast pace but I love learning Java. In communications class, I had to write about my idol. We had a guest speaker name is Diego his job was Data Analyst for Wells Fargo. My overall view for the week was pretty good. Can't wait to start next week and be already 2/4 through the program.
Friday, July 17, 2015
Second Week at Mission Techies
On the second weeks at Summer Mission Techies 2015, I continued to improve my knowledge with the different lessons being taught. On Monday 13th, I learned how to remove and put back the components in Hardware Class. I realized that it wasn't as difficult as it seems. I am excited to have guest speakers come to mission techies to tell us about themselves, at the same time I learn and plan for my future. Also, I get to experience in Tech Support by helping fix an issue with a laptop (e-machine), and i am excited for that. Coding is a fun class, I learn everyday a new code and I begin to understand the basic concept of coding. I am looking forward to the next week and excited to learn much more.
Second week as a Mission Techie
My second week as a Mission Techie was very fun. We started off the week by disassembling and reassembling some towers we had on hand at the Tech Shop, then we presented our elevator pitches with Olivia, learned some career growth tips from the guest speaker, Zaid Anwar, did some "good/bad listening" diagnostics and exercises with Cesia, and had a great guest speaker come in for Karen's class and tell us all about Quality Assurance analysts and what they do, as well as who QAAs work with and what those positions do. We did have some issues with completing the homework (or in my case, keeping track of/remembering it) but Leo made sure to keep us in check/get us back on track and I don't think we'll have problems with that again. All in all this program is way better than my expectations already (not that those expectations were low, mind you), and I can't wait for next week.
This second week at mission techies was exciting yet challenge! Being able to ensemble a computer was very inspiring because I was able to have an hands on experience which was great! As well as having my first challenge on fixing a lap top, which is having trouble in the mouse as well as having freezing issues. As well has having information about what to do with after the Mission Techies was great because I now have an understanding on what i would like to do in the long wrong.
As we continue onto the third week I'm excited to complete this task on working on this lap top. As well as learning more and helping the community.
-Esmeralda Portillo
As we continue onto the third week I'm excited to complete this task on working on this lap top. As well as learning more and helping the community.
-Esmeralda Portillo
Week 2
This week was interesting. On Monday, we got to take apart a Dell computer and put it back together from scratch. I was surprised how little parts a computer has. It was somewhat difficult to figure out how all the parts were connected and I had to remember which cables connected to which parts of the motherboard. However, I could take pictures and use the app iFixit so I used it whenever I got lost. In Java class, we learned escape sequences and operation signs. We learned how to use them to express mathematical equations and other formatting ways. We also started fixing clients' computers in tech support. Me and Izza had a Compaq laptop that didn't turn on and Zaid, the guest speaker helped us determine the problem which was really helpful. We first resetted the CMOS battery but the laptop still didn't work so we concluded it was the motherboard that was broken. All in all, this week was pretty good.
Second Week of Being A Mission Techie
Hello everyone, this is my second week of being a techie. I really enjoyed Monday afternoon because we had the chance to get our hands a little dirty with the hardware. We took apart a Dell tower to view the insides of the system. It was fun identifying the items and seeing their functionalities. We have also been advancing in our coding course which has sparked in interest. The class is going at a pretty good pace and I am learning a lot about Java. In my communications class, I had fun writing about my idol. I see a loads of potential in this class to gain confidence and better my communications skills to use in a more effective way. We had a guest speaker this week as well. Diego was his name and his job title was Data Analyst for the Wells Fargo. He did a great job describing his role for the company. My overall view for the week was pretty good. Can't wait to start next week and be already mid-way through the program.
Peace and Love
- CaliGB
Week Two...Done!
We took apart computers this week and much to my surprise it was pretty simple. I've never taken a computer apart and being able to actually see the different parts and how they come together made it less frightening of messing things up. Lets be honest if you've never seen the inside a computer is sounds waaaay more complicated.
We also started to work with client computers. The computer me and Jorge are working on had trouble booting up. We tried a new hard drive. Nothing. We checked the BIOS. Nothing. We're thinking the hard drive isn't being recognized but we will figure it out. #itwillbegoodasnew
P.S. we need granola bars #whoatethemall
public class J
We also started to work with client computers. The computer me and Jorge are working on had trouble booting up. We tried a new hard drive. Nothing. We checked the BIOS. Nothing. We're thinking the hard drive isn't being recognized but we will figure it out. #itwillbegoodasnew
P.S. we need granola bars #whoatethemall
public class J
Two Weeks In
We took computers apart this week and it might have been one of my favorite thing we have done so part. It felt like a big puzzle piece, but more exciting in many ways. I really enjoy the hands on aspect to it. We also started working on client computers. Janet and I got this really only COMPAQ laptop that won't start up at all. So we tried resetting the BIOS battery because we thought it was a system boot up issue. Well it didn't work. Now we are thinking that there is an issue with the motherboard but we can't really test that out because the system is so outdated. We'll see where that goes.
We worked on our elevator pitches with Olivia and presented them is class. I am so impressed with everyone! Everyones elevator pitch was so unique and interesting #I'dHireYouAllToday. I feel like I can learn so much just from my classmates because they all have this different experience of where have they been and where are they going.
//I am writing this at 4 am in the morning. . . #Dedication #You'reWelcomeLeo
- System.out.println("Izza");
Thursday, July 16, 2015
Second Week!
This week was pretty fun, starting off with hardware class with Leo! I absolutely loved working with the computer and taking it apart, looking at its components and eventually reassembling it. To me, I understand the concept more when its more hands-on, so compared to lectures, this was a treat. But my favorite part about this week is the fact that I got RIIBBSSS - just kidding (no really). I am continuing to enjoy the coding classes with Mark, albeit it is progressing slowly. I just love to write the code and see my creation come to life, even if sometimes it has issues or its not working correctly. Overall, this week was definitely more involved, giving us a jump start into more technical things.
I also changed my name
- Hoder
I also changed my name
- Hoder
This second week as a mission techie I had to get really dirty with a desktop. so what we started was taking desktop apart peace by peace then after we left the desktop completely halo we put everything that was inside back which was entertaining and very easy.To honest this was the first time i ever took apart a machine like that and see what really makes a computer tick.When the rest of the days we worked with Olive on our elevator speeches and seeing how beneficial networking real is. the last thing we do everyday is coding which is really frustrating at time but really interesting at the same time, I just can't get enough of it.So with all the homework we've been having all this week is really a drag to keep up with but yet it gives you something to do with your spear time. With the business communication class we had this homework assignment, to write about a historical fireguard that made a powerful effort in the environment/time period he or she was in. anyway i really enjoy this program and feel more confident with what i'm doing and what i want to be when grow up.
Week 2 Lupe Ramirez
Week two of the Mission Techies was a step away form the basic introductions of the first week, we finally got the hands on experience that I have been looking for. We got to take apart computers and even do technical support for the people in Mission community.
I have meet a lot of new interesting people that are interested in technology an have really enjoy my time here so far. So far my favorite part of the program is java coding, using logic to make a machine that displays exactly what you want it to is amazing. The more advanced we get the more fun it is going to be and I cant wait to progress even more.
I have meet a lot of new interesting people that are interested in technology an have really enjoy my time here so far. So far my favorite part of the program is java coding, using logic to make a machine that displays exactly what you want it to is amazing. The more advanced we get the more fun it is going to be and I cant wait to progress even more.
Friday, July 10, 2015
Mt first week as a mission techie
Mt first week as a mission techies was very interesting.what we did this week was, first thing we started was introducing our self and a tour of the building also, the people were going to be working with this next six weeks, well now five more weeks.We started the second day with hardware information, then job readiness and last coding. Then the rest of the week we started off with Leo then olives then mark. During the week I felt the pressure of the work given to us, and I felt really overwhelmed but I fought through and and after my first week it wasn't as bad as I thought the first day of class was. I think this program would benefit me very much and am looking forwarder in the weeks to come.
Marcelo Rodrigez
My first week as a summer 2015 Mission Techie
This first week has opened the world of tech up to me. Throughout these days, I've had the opportunity to learn about hardware, coding, financials, etc. And with these opportunities were the best presenters, Leo, Mark, Olivia, and everyone else. To be honest, before this program, I thought I would never go into technology, but instead focus and direct all my attention to my passion for science. But I'm so glad after joining this program my goals have shifted a bit, and I'm so glad I finally realize that technology is so heavily integrated into everything around me, especially science.
I can't wait for the next few weeks!
- Coding Ho
I can't wait for the next few weeks!
- Coding Ho
My 1st Week as a Summer 2015 Mission Techie
My first week as a Mission Techie was very interesting. We learned about the different parts of the computer, and we also got to mess around with different computer parts like the hard drive, RAM, fan, motherboard, and toolkit. I'm really excited about next week because that's when we get to take apart an actual laptop or computer and put it back together using hardware tools. We also had coding class, which we're currently learning Java in. Our coding teacher Mark seems very experienced and I look forward to creating programs using Java. Part of why I like being part of Mission Techies is because they also have Job Readiness class and Financial Capability class that teach us how to be in charge of our lives. I look forward to learning more next week.
My first week as a Summer 2015 Mission Techie
My first week as a Mission Techie has been great. I'm excited to learn about everything they have to offer us, but ESPECIALLY hardware. I joined the program specifically for the tech work but it's so much more than that. We get to learn about tech and programming, but we also go over professional development, financial capability, job readiness, and other skills that we need in REAL life. I look forward to the rest of my time here.
My First Week as of Summer 2015 Mission Techie
The week has been an interesting experience being enrolled into the Mission Techies program. I have been sitting through many orientations just getting to know the staff in-depth and being offered more than a tech internship. It's exciting to know I'll be able to pick up many skills that'll make me valuable as an employee, I'll be able to effectively communicate to clients about their tech issues and being able to take control of my finances in a way to make have it work for me. Learning java code has been interesting to say the least. I have some experience before with HTML and only desire more of how to use it to my advantage. It's interesting still, seeing and comparing how both are way different.
So far though, I am excited to work with hardware next week, especially tablets and laptops for their intricate design.
- Encryptian
First Week as a Summer 2015 Mission Techie
Full Speed Ahead!
During orientation Leo had warned us that the program goes fast, and I mist admit he was not kidding. In just these five days not only have I met the coolest group of people but also learned so much. The mission techies that are part of the summer'15 crew are so awesome and I believe that most of us, (if not all) are going to graduate on August 14th.I have learned so much in so little time and its super exciting. Everything from hardware and coding to job readiness and financial capability. My first line of code ever was "HELLOWORLD" and the feeling I got when it ran after compiling it, was the best! Coding is something I want to do a lot more of.
- Izza
My 1st Week as a Sumner 2015 Mission Techies
My 1st week as a mission techies has been great. Waking up everyday knowing I'm going to San Francisco to learn about technology is the best feeling ever. I love everything I do from learning hardware components, finical capability, businesses language, to coding its all fun. The team who teaches us the curriculum are awesome people who care a lot about us and are future, In just 1 week I learned a lot I didn't know when I first came in.
Learning hardware and is really interesting because that's the mecca of where I'm from. To be successful in silicon valley you need experience or a background with technology. To get the opportunity at age 17 to be an intern at mission tech is beyond whats expedited from a 17 year old man. More to learn the the upcoming weeks.
Learning hardware and is really interesting because that's the mecca of where I'm from. To be successful in silicon valley you need experience or a background with technology. To get the opportunity at age 17 to be an intern at mission tech is beyond whats expedited from a 17 year old man. More to learn the the upcoming weeks.
My first week as a summer 2015 Mission Techie
I am a returning Mission Techie, who took this program about a year ago. It was nostalgic to come back and start working with Technology again. This program has changed so much since I last attended. The curriculum has been updated and I find it to be for the better. I also noticed that the group of techies has increased compared the previous years and I am looking forward to working with such diverse individuals. The first week here, has allowed me to preview what we are expected to do for the next couple of weeks. I am excited on some of the topics aside from Hardware we are going to be covering. Not only do I expect to educate my self in technology, but professional and on a personal level as well. It's only been the first week and I have been blessed with the opportunity to meet awesome people who are great with what they do. Lets keep that momentum going!
- CaliGB Peace out.
- CaliGB Peace out.
My first week as a Mission Techie was very insightful, I came in with a negative mindset that because i knew so little about computers i was going to fail from the first day. That quickly changed the first day when we learned about the history of computers, featuring one of my favorite entrepreneurs Steve Jobs and his unavailing of the first Macintosh. Next we began writing code on java which again I went into with a negative attitude until we started coding and i realized its something I can learn, also learning about all the components that go into making a computer blew me away because i love taking things apart and making them work.
The financial capabilities class changed my view about my money and how irresponsibly i am handling it. Because i see myself being a very successful man in the future it gave me hope that there is still time to save up and invest so i can make all my financial goals possible
- Hardware Jorge
The financial capabilities class changed my view about my money and how irresponsibly i am handling it. Because i see myself being a very successful man in the future it gave me hope that there is still time to save up and invest so i can make all my financial goals possible
- Hardware Jorge
My First Week as a Summer 2015 Mission Techies
My first week in Mission Techies, I learned so much such as Hardware, Coding, Tech Support, and other resources. Mission Techies gave me a better understanding of what I want to do for my future career path. Also, in the first week, I made new friends and we would help each other to succeed. I am interested in learning and gaining more experience throughout the 6 weeks at Mission Techies.
- (CTechMartin)
My first week as a summer 2015 Mission Techie
My first week as a Mission Techie has been ... cool. When i went to the Facebook trip it was exciting. The campus was beautiful and the things they offered were amazing. After that trip i told my mom that i wanted to work there for sure. Then the orientation came and i met a bunch of new faces. Its always weird meeting new people because its awkward not knowing who they are and how they act. After this week i can say that this program is cool, i like it a lot.
We move at an accelerated pace and its hard but its also great how we have cool teachers and staff that want to help us succeed from what i hear about the mission techies from the past. The coding is pretty fun i just wish we could go a bit slower but as long as Elias can help i'll be good haha. The other things Meda offers is pretty great too. The financials capability program is intensely weird. The guy is cool but it kinda sucks being 17 since stuff like housing, clothes, and etc doesn't really affect me personally financially. Overall this program is really great
- CodeM
We move at an accelerated pace and its hard but its also great how we have cool teachers and staff that want to help us succeed from what i hear about the mission techies from the past. The coding is pretty fun i just wish we could go a bit slower but as long as Elias can help i'll be good haha. The other things Meda offers is pretty great too. The financials capability program is intensely weird. The guy is cool but it kinda sucks being 17 since stuff like housing, clothes, and etc doesn't really affect me personally financially. Overall this program is really great
- CodeM
My 1st Week as a Summer 2015 Mission Techie
My 1st week as a Mission Techie went by faster than I thought!
We've covered a large amount of information ranging from coding, hardware, and tech support in our own Mission neighborhood. I came in with minimal tech knowledge, but with just this 1st week things are becoming more familiar. It might be a little too early to say being that we have so much that we have yet to cover, but thus far, coding has got my attention. It was the one thing that I was most worry about, yet it has come to be the one I am understanding the best. At least up till now. I look forward to the following weeks to see what else I can learn.
We've covered a large amount of information ranging from coding, hardware, and tech support in our own Mission neighborhood. I came in with minimal tech knowledge, but with just this 1st week things are becoming more familiar. It might be a little too early to say being that we have so much that we have yet to cover, but thus far, coding has got my attention. It was the one thing that I was most worry about, yet it has come to be the one I am understanding the best. At least up till now. I look forward to the following weeks to see what else I can learn.
My 1st week as a Summer 2015 Mission Techies
My 1st week as a Mission Techie was great ! Was super exciting, as I finally get to learn several things that I truly did not have great knowledge; it gives me lots of hope knowing that each day that we go through I will continue to learn several more things! As I begin to learn coding I begin to notice a mild stone but as days continue I'm beginning to notice a pattern with my self that is helping me over come these challenges. I know through this program I will be put through several challenges but I'm super excited to get through them ! Looking forward for the couple weeks!
-Esmeralda Portillo
-Esmeralda Portillo
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