Mission Techies Spring 2016 Class

Mission Techies Spring 2016 Class
Spring 2016 @ Doubledutch

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

My eight week as a Mission Techie.

This is now my eight week as a Mission Techie and this is also my last week a Mission Techie student in the program. It is also the busiest of all the weeks in the program because this is now the time to apply all the knowledge and skills that we gained from MEDA.

Our first job of the week is to continue all the tickets that are still open in the MEDA Repair Shop system. Each of us was assigned ticket to focus on. We were taught to read the ticket carefully and do the correct procedures in documenting our work. At first we did some mistakes (documenting), but as we continue doing it, everything becomes automatic. We spend hours researching, follow-ups, installing, documenting which didn’t stop until we had fixed the client’s computer.

It was really a nice experience because it’s an actual real world scenario. Unlike before where we are experimenting test computers, this time we are now dealing with client computers wherein there is no room for carelessness and mistakes.

Also this week, we, together with Bank Tellers student, did a roadmap of our career goals for the next months in the FINCAP session. My roadmap deviates a little bit from what I have created when I was still in my native country. I realized that I made some shortcuts in the past that are unnecessary, so I did some tweaks and put steps that are needed to achieve my goals (like education in college, internships, etc).

After finalizing my roadmap, I have now a clear picture of what will I do and who will I be for the next months to come. I know the road to success that I have to take is not easy. It may have lots of curves, narrow edges, etc. But I’m not afraid of it. Because Mission Techie Program taught me to be brave, bold, and to believe on myself that I can do it. And if ever I get lost in the road, I know my MEDA family would be always there to give me directions.

I am really thankful that I became a Mission Techie student. Without this, probably I still don't know what I wanted to do in life. Probably, I would also be the same guy, who had lost hope of getting in the tech industry, and thinking of going back to his native country to work there. But thanks the Mission Techie program, I was given hope and directions.

Alright! I don’t want to make this post any longer. Thank you so much for reading it! Hope you have a wonderful day and Switch and Tower Port chop is now signing off. Bye :)!

-Switch and Tower Port chop

Monday, June 29, 2015

Financial Capability

Before this program I never thought of saving money, or maybe yes I did thought of it. But guess what, I never really did it. But after having the time and think I do need this for my future my schooling my daughters future. I didn't know of IDA program. I will do a little more research on that and open an account to double all my saving for my mom dream house. There are so many opportunities out here that we don't know about. We need to make a change and share our resources we all need this extra help. To set up my mind and goal.

Thanks to everyone that made the Mission Techies program happened we have learned so much from it.

Thank you
Full Circle Fund
Leo Sosa
Olivia Quinonez
Mark Marsella
Alex Rodriguez
Karen Choury
And all the guest speakers that Karen brought to the program to keep us motivated.

With out all of you we wouldn't be here.

HD Ana

The Rode Map

We had an hour of class with Ernesto Martinez, he provided us with a career growth guide. Also i received the help of Mark to guide me and gave me the basic classes that I will need to go back to school and the name of classes that I will be needing. I have a month to apply for City College of San Francisco and take my placement test also set a date to speak with a counselor. After I get everything set up i will have to enroll in my classes I will a part time student because I have to take care of my family while in school. After I get all my General Education classes i will transfer to a 4 year college. Also work part time, my schedule will never be empty i will keep myself busy and continue to work hard and reach my goal I'm determine to reach my goal and buy my mother her house! I see myself in our own house with my children's running around and being free. having their own space.      

HD Ana

Week Eight as a Mission Techie

This week we have provided Tech support to low income families and so far the Techies and I have each had a chance to be the floor manager. In our Java class we worked on Loops which I've had some difficulties on. On Tuesday we had FINCAP and the Techies and Bank Tellers created a road map, which included our long term career goals, as well and what were gonna do to accomplish that goal. Thursday we went to Facebook and we got meet some of the employees, and got to hear some of their stories. It was supper fun and I hope to visit  again someday.

Well I'm down to my eighth week as a Mission Techie and I must say that I'm really going to miss it, but I am also very excited for whats to come. Since joining the Program I have become more motivated to continue going to school, and to pursue a career as a Bio Technician. I also hope to one day inspire young adults in the same way that the people in MEDA, LinkedIn, Facebook, Jones IT, and the guest speakers that our Tech support instructor Karen has brought have inspired me. I am truly thankful to every one that has been a part of making the program a memorable one.

MB Maria

Week 8

I am so excited on our 8th week I was the floor supervisor to get all our jobs done. I love it because I feel confident on myself the I'm a good leader. Also we worked with a client installing an anti virus and gave her a little tutorial on how to use her new computer. She was very happy and I love to see that I had help and gave a person a good explanation on using their computer.

I had to work with a computer to change the keyboard but we don't have the right one that fits to the computer. Therefore I couldn't change it. Also we all are changing roll on who is the floor supervisor its fun, because we learn new things. We were invited to go to Facebook but unfortunately I couldn't attend because I had an appointment that I couldn't miss. But I talked to my classmates and they loved the opportunity and having the experience networking get connection with former Facebook employees how nice and kind they all were.

HD Ana

Week Seven

WOW! Already on week seven it feels as if  I had just started yesterday, and although I had some difficulties I'm glad that I made it through the program.

On Monday the Techies and I disassembled an IMac it was difficult, and we worked together as a group to finish the project it was fun and a good learning experience. On Tuesday in our job readiness class we had mock interviews, and got some feed back on what I need to work on. Through out the week in our Java class we where learning about If/else statements as well as about nested If statements. On Thursday in the Networking class we where learning how to make Ethernet cables, but unfortunately we did not have the proper materials and tools to do it. So far I have very much enjoyed being in the Mission Techies and hope that the next group of Techies enjoy it as much as I have.

MB Maria    

Monday, June 22, 2015

My seventh week as a Mission Techie.

This is now my seventh week in the Mission Program. It’s nice to know that we are nearing graduation. It’s as if it was just yesterday when we (co-techies) first met and telling our goals that we want to achieve after program to each other.  So far, all the goals that I put in my list during the first day are being met.  I remembered that I said “I want to develop skills and knowledge from the field that I have chosen (Networking).”

All days of this week was so productive. We (my co-techies) learned how to disassemble an iMac with the supervision of Leo. I find the process difficult, but challenging as well, because you need the proper tools and people to work on just one computer. For example, the screen, you need another person to hold it while detaching it from the base because some of the screws keep falling while doing the process. It was tedious, but the feeling was so rewarding after you did it [No wonder why iMacs are so expensive (smile)].

Another thing that I enjoyed this week is the Mock Interview. A mock interview by the way is a pretend or fake interview wherein a recruiter is giving you questions and you have to answer it similar to an actual interview. It was funny because I screwed up my first mock interview. My mistake is I try to memorize my “elevator pitch” line by line – Because of that, I easily forget everything and ended up pausing for each question that was thrown to me. What I learned to prevent that from Ms. Olivia is to memorize your elevator pitch by bullet. In that way, you can easily say it with your mind and it will come naturally. Hopefully, I would be better on my next mock interview.

Also this week, we were ask to make an essay regarding “Social injustices and equality” with Mark during financial capability session. I was making my third paragraph in my essay, when I realized that I’m doing a dramatic story rather than an essay. I have to rewrite everything again and submit it before next week. I know, I am really a crazy guy sometimes (laugh).

One more thing that I have enjoyed this week is the crimping of rj45 (registered jack 45) cables. Crimping is the process wherein you compressed the rj45 modular plug to the wires from the utp (unshielded twisted pair) cable so that they will connect to each other. The video shows that it was easy but in reality it is difficult in your first try because you have to make sure every wire perfectly connects to the plate. I know it because I’ve done it once back from my country.

Lastly, we studied the conditional if-else statements in Java programming with Mark. This lesson was one of my favorites because it is an upgrade to normal ifs statement. Because if you only have “if statement,
you have to put all the conditions that are possible to make you program running smoothly. But what if there are one thousand or one million possible conditions, would you put all those statements in the program (No, right)? But by adding “else” statement you are telling the computer that all other conditions that I haven’t stated yet, please do this. It’s like summarizing all those conditions into one block of statement, which I find really helpful and powerful.

I think that is all for now -- two more entries to go before graduation (yay!). I will keep you posted more on the life of a Mission Techie. Please stay tuned (smile)!

-Switch and Tower Port chop

Monday, June 15, 2015

My sixth week as a Mission Techie.

This is now my sixth week as a Mission Techie in the program.  Two more weeks to go and it will be our graduation (hooray!). Every day is a learning experience. Olivia taught us how to build our own resumes properly. She showed us the dos and don’ts when writing a resume. I thought that my resume looked better after I edited it and followed Olivia’s guide.

We also went to JONES IT this week with Leo for a tour [JONES IT, by the way, is a tech support company that services most companies and residents in the Bay Area; and MEDA (Mission Economic Development Agency) is one of them.] There, we met Edwin, a former Mission Techies alumnus who toured us in the company. He told us about his job and how JONES IT started. I was fascinated in the story because they only started small (5 people or less) then they doubled each year after.

Also, we had a guest from USCF (c/o Karen), and she talked about her work as a Digital Communications Director. Her story was interesting because she comes from a different field (not computer technology) and yet she learned how to make websites and made it as her job.

Another thing that we learned this week, is the how we can make conditionals statements in Java.  I like the lesson because I can manipulate the output based the different conditions that I can set. Last, we learned about virtual machines in Networking. Virtual machines are fake machines that can be created from on single machine. It segments the resources that one machine has and from those segments you can put any operating system you want. For example, you can have a Windows 7 and MAC OSX running at the same time in your laptop. Sounds good, right?

- Switch and Tower Port chop

Friday, June 12, 2015

Week Six

Hello Everyone,

So far this week has been very busy, but otherwise very fun. Monday the Techies and I went to IT Jones where we got look at their office and the environment in which they all work in. Our tour guide was a former Mission Techie Edwin he talked to us about his experience working there. This whole week we have been working on if /else statements in our Java class which is pretty cool. Tuesday with our job coach Olivia we worked on our resumes, and Wednesday I was absent so I will have  to make up. Thursday in Networking we learned about virtual machines, and how we may run several Operating Systems our computer, and in Tech support we had a guest speaker from UCSF, and she talked to us a little about what she does as a Digital Communications Director. Today the Techies and I are trying very patiently to download Windows 7 to some laptops that have been generously donated to MEDA we hope to have them working by the end of this afternoon.

MB Maria          

Week 6:
We went to Jones IT to see how they work together and how cool their work environment is. We spoke with Edwin and Roberto, explain their role and how their average day of work also on how they started. It's so amazing how we all have been through struggles, and my Middle School teacher just told me it's never to late to continue your education. Edwin was amazing he started with Mission Techies and he is now working for Jones IT.

This week we were trying to "ghost" a computer but we have not yet had a success. Also trying to refurbish the computers for us to take a computer home and practice our Excel and reach our goal to get certified for Microsoft Excel.

With Olivia we were perfecting our resume and looking for the actual jobs requirements to match what the company wants and what we have to offer to the company. Also applying to summer jobs.

Coding we are learning the "If " statement. it is hard but I'm searching online for extra help and explanations on how Java works.

Networking with Alex we learn on how cool is to have a Virtual machine, it's amazing how a PC when it's on virtual mode it can even be MAC. I loved the lesson. You can do pretty much everything and if you mess up no problem just dump it.

Karen brought a guest speaker her name is also Karen shes Assoc. Director of Communications in the Cancer division of UCSF. Before I wasn't interested on the job but on her presentation she showed that she loves her job. She inspire me to look in to the position. She creates webpages, which I thought it was amazing, Both Karen's told me not to give up on coding to explore on the different languages that are in coding not only Java.

Thank you all for you support truly appreciated.

Ana Avilez
"HD Ana"  

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Week Five

Hello Everyone,

This week we have been very busy. With job readiness on Monday, also Leo told us all about the Microsoft Office Certification which we are excited about because we get it for Free!. Its an awesome opportunity that The Mission Techies and myself are taking full advantage of. The Techies and I decided to become Certified in Microsoft Excel because Office and Excel are the top two most requested software skills by employers. Tuesday we had our Hardware class, and we disassembled and assembled a MacBook Pro. Wednesday we learned to install Windows 7 to some HP laptops that where donated to the Mission Techies program it took a lot of patience but we persevered and got the jog done. Today we worked with our Tech support instructor and had a look at  the daily log we are gonna use when we start Tech Support for low income families. After we worked with Alex in our Networking class where we created a small peer to peer connection using two desktop computers. Then we had a guest speaker Alicia J. Choury a release Manager from Wells Fargo she was amazing. Lastly we worked with our coding instructor Mark where we all worked on Java and today's topic was on scanners. Cant wait till next week.

MB Maria  

My fifth week as a Mission Techie.

This week we learned new skills. We learned how to take MacBook Pro apart. We examined it piece by piece from the logic board (motherboard in PC) up to the airport terminal (PC wireless component). All screws that we took apart are almost similar which save me time in disassembling-assembling process.

We also learned how to use Gmetrix (Test Engine) which I find really informative and helpful in obtaining Microsoft Excel Certification. It has practical instructions in it, and if you’re stuck, you can just press the “hint” button to see the best practices of Microsoft in doing that instruction.

Another thing, Leo helped us decide on which nickname we are going to use in our blog. It’s a tradition that every mission techie should decide a nickname that is related to technology. Mine, I chose “Switch and Tower Port chop” which sounds similar to “Sweet and Sour Pork chop.” I chose this nickname (though is long) is because I love networking and I love pork chop.

Last, we learned a new concept in Java which is getting input from a user which I find really powerful.

Switch and Tower Port chop

Week 5

This was an amazing week for me because Katie Meek a journalist graduate student of the University of Kentucky was interest on creating a short film of my daily basis. I love all the hard work she put in to creating the 4 minute video of my life. I said life is not east and no one had said it would't. But i have learned that I have to live my life day by day. If you want something in life you have to go out there and look for it! Because no one will bring it for you. We are adults now and lets take responsability people.

This week we learned on the following things;

Hardware: I dissamble a MacBook Pro and identifying all the omponents in an apple computer. Which I learned that a Mac has a "logic Board" not a "Motherboard". I took the laptop home to have a little more practice. I love this section of the class.

Coding: Today we learned how to have an output of a pop up boxes. This is how the quote will give you the output the we want to have. If you like to try it download drJava to your computer. and copy and paste this code and you will love to see the nice output.

 import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
  public class NamesDialog {
    public static void main (String[] args)
      String firstName;
      String middleName;
      String lastName;
      firstName = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("What is your first name? ");
        middleName = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("What is your middle name? ");
        lastName = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("What is your last name? ");
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Hello " + firstName + " " + middleName + " " +lastName);

Tech Support: Karen thoght us on how to creat a new ticket for when we recieve a clients computer.

We had a lot of technical problems but we had to be "patience" and thats we learned this week.

Ana Avilez

Halfway to the Program

All I can say is WOW! When I took this group back in May 5th, 2015 I did not what to expect, I had an idea of what the cohort will look like during the selection/interviewing process.

But once we started working on this two month intensive daily spring session I did realize of the wonderful talent I had in front of me!

Halfway through the program I have seen these amazing young adults that come in on a daily basis learning IT skills; not only the IT skills they need to obtain a job in the tech industry but also the eagerness to learn new ways of using technology. I have seen their eyes and smiles, every time we do something like taking Mack Books apart. "It's not easy" a few had say but to me is all about sharing the knowledge that I did not have when I was growing up in the Mission District. These techies have something unique and different from the other breeds. They have punctuality (you know who you are); they work very hard, they do their homework and not matter what goes on their lives away from the techies program they will be here from Mon-Thu between 1pm - 5pm.

Keep up the good work techies as I am looking forward to June 30th, when I will see you big smile graduating from the Mission Techies Spring 2015 session.

Tera Byte Sensei!

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

My 4th week as a mission techie

Its been rough being a mission techie. I work everyday after this program so I am often tired. I've missed about roughly 15 hours of study I have to make up. Many people tell me I should quit the program because I cant make it everyday. I'm not one to quit , im hanging on to this program because there are people won't get to experience this amazing program and get the type of support they give.  

week four

Where in week four and I enjoy being a mission techie but things are getting harder and harder by the day. But the good thing about it is we start breaking down computers and repairing them and thats one of my favorite things to do here but dont get me wrong thats hard to you just have to take it day by day and just focus and you'll start getting the hang of things and im excited to take this journey as being a mission techie 

   Dejanae fore,

My fourth week as a mission techie.

It's my fourth week now in the Mission Techie program. Everything seems okay. We did a lot of activities and I find these very interesting.

We learned how to do our elevator pitch (Olivia taught us) and how it can open opportunities in case you bump someone unexpectedly. We also did hardware dis-assembly and assembly on laptops (It was tedious though but very rewarding). Overall, it was nice and fun experience. Hopefully, this will continue until our graduation.


Monday, June 1, 2015

Week Four

Hey everyone

My fourth week at Mission Techies has been very fun, as well as busy.
On Tuesday we took apart laptops which was very educational.
Wednesday we went over and worked on our elevator pitches with Olivia.
We also went over commonly asked questions in an interview.
Finally Thursday in our Software class we learned about Ubuntu and Puppy Linux, then we had our first Networking class with our instructor Alex we learned about LAN, WAN, and MAN. Also why networks are needed and their classification. Can't wait to learn more.

Maria Mendoza  

Week 4

This week we put apart a PC(Dell) this is my favorite part of the course. Hands on, identifying all the PC components. Also knowing the tools that we have to use. Memorizing were all the connections are connected. Be very careful not to lose a screw. They are so tiny that we have to work with a lot of care.

In coding class with Mark we are identifying and learning all the coding terms. Coding is hard but with time and practice I know we can all learn, with a lot of team work and support each other.

We were also with Karen in technical support class we were learning on the process when taking a customer computer to fix their problem. Because in technical support we don't have issues, we only have problems that we can solve.

With Olivia in job search planning we went through our elevator pitch. Also trying to decide which career should I decide to go for.Because I want to go with the medical path and follow in the techie industry.

We also went through all the slides and review all the material because we have to be preparing to the test the Leo is preparing for us.

Ana Avilez