Mission Techies Spring 2016 Class

Mission Techies Spring 2016 Class
Spring 2016 @ Doubledutch

Thursday, March 31, 2016

WEEK # 11!!

Hey guys 
this week started off great because we  got to visit Linkedin which was an amazing experience. Getting to meet a few people that work for them is cool since they can talk to us about what they do. The fact that all of them where laid back and talking to us like they knew us was what made it easier.
Salesforce was good too getting more knowledge down. We got to Check all the specs on the computers that we received from USF. We didn't get to do any coding this week which sucks!! That's what some of us look forward to during the week. We are almost done just a few more days !!!

Mannyntosh_ Manny 
Week 11 we do Sales Force and we are almost finish just like Coding almost wehad costermer coming and bring there laptop or desktop to repier there stuff

Week --9 & 10--

The last 2 weeks were very fun, we had a on site visit to LinkedIn, worked on a few customers computers, and took in a new donation of computers. The new LinkedIn building was insane, the whole work space was very inviting and friendly. All the mentors were awesome, they were super nice and super friendly. I really appreciated them taking the time out of their busy day to entertain us. After looking at their new work space, I would love to have a career at LinkedIn. We also got a new donation of computers from USF. We had to take inventory and make sure the computers were operable and worth keeping. This week was definitely one of the best weeks so far, I look forward to whats next.

-_- The Plug -_-

week 10 and 11

We are now near the end of the mission techies program and things are starting to heat up. Last week we went to a couple of job sites to have a view of technology companies. We went to Jones IT to review what they did on a daily basis. They did a lot of what we practiced at MEDA such as ticketing a computer and documenting what was the problem with the computer. After the tour at that place, we went back to MEDA and we waited for another tech company called Monkey Brains. The guy that came in mentioned how we can use our skills to document tickets and work outside setting up wifi equipment. The next presentation we had was with the Jones IT CEO we met on Tuesday. He talked about the wifi connection and how channels can effect the speed of the wifi. On the 11th week we went to Linkedin to meet with our mentors! We had a good time there and we got to meet the mentors. Other then the presentations we had, we also worked on sales force and some coding. We also got some computers from UCSF and documented the info of what the computers had.

-Gigabyte Stallion
Well this week has been a hell of a week. I kinda got trapped in the abyss that is Vegas this weekend (one hell of a birthday weekend). Breaking my phone by jumping into a pool and losing my friend for almost a full 24 hours was not in my plans for this weekend but hey im thankful to be alive and still in one piece. However since i was trapped in vegas i was unable to go to linkedin and meet my mentor:( Luckily i am still able to get a mentor. In other news me and Danly replaced a laptop screen so that was cool. one more week!
Kilobye Kev out!
Week 11
I been chosen to be a leader of a group to manger 15 computers to search for the specs of the computers, so we copy the specs and  it in a little notes to keep track on each computer. ex: CPU type,RAM memory, and Hard Drive capacity, i help so i can pace the speed a little faster.


Week 10&11

Oh man this is it! It's already the second to last week of MEDA! This program has really taught me a lot. I had a really great time going to LinkedIn this week. Their building and working environment was very welcoming and friendly. It was really nice inside and I can't believe their dinning floor was that big. I had a great time meeting the mentors and getting to know each and every single one of them. They all had great personalities so I'm fine with who ever I will be partnered with. I also got to work on my tech support skills and finished helping my client with her computer. My partner and I been working on this computer for a while and we are finally done! I can't wait to see the smile on her face!

- The Power Supply

Sunday, March 27, 2016

I'm pretty sure it's week 10..

This past week we learned more about coding. Specifically HTML along with CSS. Our instructor showed us how we can change the font of text through code and the color as well. I still need to practice more and more. The coding is so far my main favorite task to do at M.T. After this program, hopefully I can join an all coding based program where I can learn more and enhance my skills and knowledge. Never thought I'd see the day where I would learn code. Lol. Though I must admit that I was very ignorant when it came to computers but after Mission Techies, this opportunity changed my view on computers and presented me with an insight of what the Tech industry is. More on this past week, we also learned how to work Salesforce. Our instructor taught us how to transfer data from Salesforce to a spreadsheet. After learning how to do it I saw that the process was fast and easy. Also if done right everything is well organized. (I couldn't help but notice the Easter egg with the SalesForce transfer to the spreadsheet. Bungie!) One last thing, I would like express my appreciation towards the other Techies. They showed up to class early on Thursday and went to go pick up computers that were donated from USF. Unfortunately I was unable to make it. I look forward to next week. Graduation is almost near. The days went by fast....


Thursday, March 24, 2016

Week 7, 8, 9

During theses weeks at Mission Techies we have learned the basics of coding. So far its going well. I wouldn't say it's easy nor hard, but rather think of it as something that acquires patience and practice. Take it as a challenge and make it a goal to learn it. Classifying something through it's difficulty doesn't make matters any better. We also worked on SalesForce with Jose. I'm starting to get a better understanding on how to work it but i still need to work on it more. It's not as bad as I originally thought. I did complete some challenges but I see myself falling behind in class. I should consider asking more questions. Something else we did at M.T. was work on computers for families. My partner and I had to work on a donated Lenovo laptop. Through all the diagnostics and observations we can conclude that the laptop is going to be use for parts. Techshop here at M.T has been great help  for gaining experience, teamwork, and personal growth over all. This is what I am noticing in myself while attending this internship.


P.S. If anybody actually reads my post.. and are wondering why I chose 'OgreByte' as my alias. Halo. Ogre2 and Snakebite. From CLG. Yeah I know typical nerd right.  Lol.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

week 9


week 8

during week 8 learned about Sales force we create many stuff it sales force and we are learned how to cod like html to create page and learned how we make background for website with color and short.we finish Lindin also we did a test what we know it was fun to learn about it. we almost finish with Sales force its a lot of information with Sale force can you make so many stuff. You my need it in your life.


Weeks 8 and 9 breh!

Hello world, and mission techs. It's been a while since I last blogged due to the heavy course work we've had. Weeks eight and nine were fun.  We covered a lot in salesforce such as how to create a report and dashboards. We also covered how to create tabs for contacts as well. Something new that we got into was html coding. We learned how to code our own website and add images, words, background colors, and links. It has been very fun coding and learning all these helpful skills.
We also finished our linkedin profiles and took a quiz yesterday.

-Gigabyte Sensei

week 7-9

Welp it's that time of week again, BLOG TIME!!! A lot has happened and we've learned a ton. We began basic coding with html. Its a very simple coding language that has a lot of different components to it. So far we've learned tags, opening closing and adding images to it. Today we covered adding hyperlinks to those images and adding lists to the website. I thoroughly enjoy it overall. As far as salesforce goes we covered how to create a report and dashboards. We also covered how to create a tab as well.Salesforce is a really cool program that you can customize to the company's individual needs, its a really simple yet interchangeable platform that you can tailor to your specific needs. We also finished our linkedin profiles and took a quiz yesterday. Kilobye Kev out.

Week --8 & 9--

Where to begin... Last week we started our coding sessions with Susana and it was an absolute blast. She introduced us to the html coding language and boy was it fun. It's really fun messing around with the html code and watching it come to life. We started coding our very first webpage and learned how to add headings, paragraphs, hyperlinks, and images. The best part of the coding session is being able to view your work instantaneously. It just motivates you to want to keep going and you tend to lose track of time. This week we started off by continuing the SalesForce workshop with Jose, he showed us how to edit and create custom lists, reports and dashboards. It's really amazing how you can customize and tailor the entire layout for each specific individual, department, or company. I look forward to learning more as we progress on through the weeks.

-The Plug-

Week 7-9

Hey guys seems like we have been forgetting to blog.. but well here we go. We have learned a lot in the last couple weeks, salesforce and coding and also we haven't been doing much tech support and I'm looking forward to keep working on them. Salesforce has been interesting because sometimes I feel lost and unsure of whats going on but other times everything seems too easy. The coding part has been my favorite so far its fun I know its just beginning but just feels really comfortable. Susana makes the class really fun, she helps us whenever we get stuck on anything but also encourages to help each other. Today we started adding images and I learned how to play around with the image sizes and also the positioning of the images. We added a link to the images which is fun to do. Looking forward to learning more from the coding in the last few weeks we have in the program. Hopefully with everything we learn here we will be able to take hack reactor and learn more there.

Mannyntosh- Manny

Week Number 8

Week number 8..... and 9..

For week numero ocho we learned more about SalesForce and how to navigate and create custom objects and such with Jose.. We also learned more about tech support and the online ticket system with the tech guy. Ernesto I think his name is. We finally got into the coding curriculum with Susana. I actually really enjoy learning how to code, we are just learning the basics html but I like it so far. Today we learned images and background colors fro websites in html code. I think I'm kind of getting the hang of it.

week 9

Today at MEDA I learned how to do hyperlinks, images, and background color in our coding class. I also fixed my references, my resume, and my cover letter thanks to Leo. Now my resume can look better when I apply for a new job. I am learing a lot at MEDA


Week Number 8

During week number 8 we mainly learn about SalseForce and the thing we can create with it also we were able to use coding (html) to create a page with a list with number and with out numbers and pictures to explain the things we like and the places we would love to visit. This was very helpful because this was a fun way to learn about the basics of coding and how hyperlinks work and how the are used.

week 8 & 9

Woooooaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! We got 4 more weeks to go!!! Within these two weeks, we learned more about Salesforce and LinkedIn and how beneficial they are in the business world. We have finally completed our LinkedIn profiles and worked on a couple modules to enhance our knowledge about Salesforce. What I found most interesting about these two weeks was coding! Coding is very interesting and I really like it. Although it was repetitive and tricky, it is not a boring subject to learn. To be used to coding, you have to learn to accept failure after failure. It is a headache at times when you are not able to get everything right, but once you do, you will understand how everything works!!! Sooooooo, where the pizza at Leo?!?!

The Power Supply

Monday, March 7, 2016

week 7

Last week at MEDA me and a partner installed an operating system on a computer that didn't have one. it was a little complicated because i didn't know much on how to do that but Leo helped us. After that we installed drivers on it. I had a good experience because I never done that before.

Week 7

Lots to blog about this week, we made major strides this week regarding salesforce, tech support, LinkedIn and our business presentation. Jose has been doing an awesome job breaking down and explaining how salesforce as a platform works for a business, both large and small. Its cool how this platform allows you design without coding. Emerson came on Thursday as we began wiping and reinstalling windows 7 on donations and customer computers. Its a very simple yet tedious process that is necessary to our curriculum. Lisa came in on Monday and we began adding finer details to our profiles. As far as our presentations go, I am very excited to present but our presentation needs some more work before hand.

Kilobyte Kev out

Wow... Week 7 Already

This past week was very informative and really hands on. The programs starting to get more and more intense as we get closer and closer to the end. We started off by diving deeper into the salesforce training and updating our LinkedIn profiles, then we got to work on client computers that were brought in for repairs. Jose did another fantastic job going over salesforce and showing us how to create custom tabs and objects for future clients or for our own personal use. After the salesforce presentation, we started diagnosing and working on our client's computer. While diagnosing the laptop we were taught to use the ticketing system so that we could keep track of everything. Eventually my partner and I came to the conclusion that the laptop's battery was dead and needed a fresh install of windows 7. I learned how to install drivers for the different types of hardware inside the laptop so that it would function properly. Overall this was another great week, I really learned a lot and leo does an amazing job of teaching us how to do things in the real world work environment.

-The Plug-

Saturday, March 5, 2016

week 7

This week was great. I am now very confident in my ability of taking apart a laptop/computer and putting it back together. This week we did  some more sales force learning and updated our LinkedIn profiles. What we learned in sales force this week was how to create a separate tab so we can use it as a contact list. We also got to learn how to reinstall windows 7 and install device drivers that where important in order to connect the computers Wi-Fi.  I am beginning to see how computers function and what the necessary steps are to make them function.

-Gigabyte Stallion

Friday, March 4, 2016

Week 7

It's already week 7, I can't believe it. Time flies when your having a great time at MEDA. This week we were pretty busy catching up with our LinkedIn profiles, our sales force session and tasks, and our tech support skills. We also had to start and prepare our business communication project, which we will present next week. Leo wants us to get comfortable presenting and speaking in front of a large audience for our future presentations in the workplace or anywhere in general. As the week came to an end, things are getting more intense because more computers are coming in and we have to ticket each and every single one of them to stay organized. I can't imagine how stress everyone will be as the computers pile up but I'm pretty confident in everyone. Let pray we stay organized!

- The Power Supply